Our responsilbility
Eco-friendly Activities
Becoming an eco-friendly company has always been one of the main themes of ZENOAQ's Corporate Social Responsibility. Conservation efforts to maintain a healthy environment should be pursued not just for the sake of humans but also for animals. In addition, aside from activities to conserve energy, ZENOAQ has also installed the latest technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate energy.

Wind Turbines

Solar Panels
Establishment and Activities of the Eco-Friendly Environmental Promotion Team
The Environmental Management Team, based out of the head office, used to be primarily responsible for environmental consideration and campus management; however, in FY2010, to promote ecological and environmental protection company-wide, the team system was reorganized, and the Eco-Environmental Promotion Team was created. This team's role increases in importance year by year, and we work to comply with local environmental regulations, such as the Revised Energy Conservation Act. Besides daily energy use management and environmental protection, the Conservation of Energy Committee is in charge of the executive office. The team members play their individual roles by being proactive, including taking the Environmental Society Certification Test, also known as the eco-test, which is an examination on the understanding of environmental management sponsored by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI).
Other Efforts
As marine plastic pollution has had a profound effect on ocean life, the movement towards going plastic-free has been accelerating around the world. In order to progress towards going plastic-free, we here at ZENOAQ have completely switched from the plastic packing material used previously when shipping products to using paper packing materials since 2019. The craft paper that serves as the raw materials for the paper packing materials we use is made of 100% virgin pulp from timber from forest thinning, and has received FSC® Certification* for being environmentally friendly. Furthermore, by introducing a system which can produce said packing materials at high speeds, we were able to reduce total expenses by reducing material costs, and we were also able to significantly shorten shipping times.
*FSC® Certification: The (Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an international organization which certifies timber-producing forests around the world as well as the distribution and processing of the timber cut from those forests. The organization considers the environmental conservation of the forests, and certification is given to timber that is produced in a way that benefits the local community and which is economically and environmentally sustainable.
We reuse cardboard boxes as often as possible when shipping products to customers. Our workers affix our original "Eco-Seals" on the reused cardboard boxes over the top of the original product names, to prevent misunderstandings on the part of the customers. In addition, instead of disposing of plastic wrap, rubber bands, broken plastic pallets, and similar objects which would typically be discarded, we promote recycling by selecting specialized companies which can reuse them.
At all of our sales locations nationwide, we actively engage in local environmental cleanup efforts. Wearing yellow traffic safety vests and picking up garbage in our company's surrounding areas early in the morning, our efforts are recognized by all as activities which integrate us into the local community. Greeting the neighborhood people makes us feel good and raises our motivation to start each day. Since FY2015, our head office has been engaging in cleanup activities based on an annual plan, focusing on picking up garbage on the roads nearby the office, with the theme of "creating a safe, clean environment for your pets to explore".