Customer orders are delivered from the nearest of the six distribution centers. Our well established logistics system enables us to deliver quickly and timely to various locations in Japan. Our own EC site and attentive call center staff ensure customer orders are fullfilled.

Vets Direct is our EC site exclusively for veterinary clinics. It has become an important platform connecting ZENOAQ and veterinary clinics, not only for ordering products, but also for providing useful information and news about new products, promotions, webinars, etc.

Distribution Centers
Sales and distribution are inseparable. Since the logistics division's mission is to deliver a large amount of products to customers speedily and accurately, ZENOAQ has set up 6 distribution centers located in main business areas in Japan. ZENOAQ is always striving to build an improved ordering/ delivery system. With the introduction of the e-commerce system, ZENOAQ is also planning to further expand the product ordering system beyond the conventional call center system.