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Research Facilities

1. The Central Research Laboratory

At the Central Research Laboratory, we carry out research management and regulatory affairs, including quality evaluation tests such as GLP tests or specifications establishment, various tests involving the handling of microorganisms, testing services (biochemical testing and more), and quality assurance tests in compliance with QAU.


2. The Animal Life Science Building and Bioprocess Plant

At these facilities, new drugs are developed using gene recombinant technology and other advanced scientific techniques. In addition to the development of the next generation core technology that became the foundation for the creation of Allermmune® HDM, biologics analysis, development of pharmacological test methods and production technology are being researched here.


3. The AEC Building

Tests are conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of the new products being developed.
All tests are carried out taking animal welfare into consideration.


4. The Clinical Research Farm

This is where new products for cows, pigs, and other livestock are tested.
Given the small number of veterinary pharmaceutical manufacturers with clinical research farms throughout the nation, this facility contributes greatly to the company's development of safe and efficacious new products for livestock.
